Leo Product Extra Field Module

On Tuesday, 26 April 2022 By Dinh Nghia Tran In: Prestashop Modules

Since Prestashop only permits some basic product information like size, color,... to be displayed on the product page detail by default, some other details such as shipping fees, product weight and so on are only visible once the buyer starts to check out the shopping cart. This can make your customer stop buying without knowing those information at first. We can definitely solve this problem with our Leo Product Extra Field Module.

This Module lets you add extra fields in entity view and entity form of fieldable entities. Easily add more information to your product page without making it messy. Extra fields are treated like regular fields. All are beautifully displayed in one tab on the product detail part.

We provide not only 1 but 4 fields for you to unleash your creativity. Everything is ready, you just need to add content to them. Plus, our intuitive interface allows you to get your product’s information part done in no time.

It is no exaggeration to say that this module is truly a must-have, convenient one !


Hits: 6389
0.00 USD

Leo Megamenu Prestashop Module

On Wednesday, 17 May 2017 By Dinh Nghia Tran In: Prestashop Modules

This is a Modern and Functional menu for your store. Help your customers in an easy and friendly way to navigate between pages. The easy-to-use menu that does not have to add each category because the entire menu is generated automatically. The menu is an advanced solution for your store so you can add your own links or use the auto links for cms links. Menu running on a mobile device at any resolution. The price of the product is updated and support for 1 year. Therefore, you can always ask us for help. The module will help you in obtaining higher revenue through efficient and user-friendly navigation. You can view your pictures so that the shop will be more friendly and readable.


Video guide: Leo Megamenu Prestashop Module Tutorial Video

Userguide: Leo Megamenu Prestashop Module Userguide

Hits: 4512
50.00 USD

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